Monday, February 7, 2011

Blogging Reflection

This is the second time I make a blog but I don't really know how to use it so for this time I just try my best to create an interesting blog. But Mr. Jabiz from another ESL teacher helped us to make the blog and how to create an interesting blog. He teach us how to blogging and how to post the blog and now I really enjoy blogging.

I really enjoy designing my blog or posting about myself and especially communicate with another people that I don't know. By making this blog I'm using my art skills to make it interesting and to make it people enjoy reading my blog.

My favorite part of my blog is the friends part. I like that part because I have an interesting photos with my friends and probably people will like it. I actually want to show you about friends and an events in my school. So I hope that you are enjoy reading my blog ♥ :)


  1. Hi Khansa!
    I think that your blog page is fantastic. I hope you will show me how you created it. Please keep blogging and uploading photos.
